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      1. 运用语篇语言学知识,提高英语阅读教学主题主旨理解能力



        成都双流区教育科学研究院   邓兆昂

        近年来,许多学者提倡将语篇语言分析应用于英语阅读教学之中,为学生提供一种可以参照的具体方法。对一个语篇进行分析,我们可以从语音、词汇、语法、语义、语篇结构等各个方面入手,但在实际分析中,我们不必求全,而是要根据语篇的特点,在几个最突出、最具有代表性的方面进行深入分析【黄国文,1988】。本文强调读短文,应用语篇语言学知识之衔接(cohesion)与连贯(coherence) 理论,提取关键词概括语篇主题主旨;运用语篇策略, 提取关键词概括主题句;提取核心内容,支撑主题、主旨大意。 

        (一)提取关键词概括主旨大意或主题句。在没有明确的主题句的情况下, 学生需要通过信息定位、提取和整合分散在原文中的关键词,对段落或者篇章进行主旨概括。运用语篇的衔接与连贯 , 从词汇衔接的角度, 找出文本中的主要实词, 构成叙述的词汇链, 具体要求:

        How to catch the key words: focusing on nouns, verbs , key adjectives.


        Sitting on the peaceful coast of Galapagos Islands. Ecuador, watching the sun move quietly into the sea, you shouldn’t forget that Charles Darwin (1809-1882) arrived here in 1835. He stayed on the islands for five weeks, observing various animals. This finally inspired (启发) his famous work, On the Origin of Species. You can certainly follow Darwin’s footsteps and enjoy a trip from four to seven days to the islands.Travelling between the islands and observing the wildlife that so inspired Darwin, you will feel as though you are getting a special view of an untouched world. At night you will sleep on board the ship, leaving the wildlife in complete occupation of the islands, which are as undisturbed now as they have been since the beginning of time.


        ①构成vocabulary chain: 提取名词, 人物名词, Ecuador( a tourist)/ Charles Darwin , 地名Galapagos Islands

        ②实体名词或形容词+实体名词:  the sun/ the sea/ the islands/ a trip/ the wildlife/the peaceful coast/ various animals/ famous work/a special view/ an untouched world/ on board the ship 丶…

        ③语义聚合:key adjectives:peaceful/untouched/various/famous/special可以推断Galapagos Islands is a very attractive place.

        ④提取Verb-ing: sitting/watching/observing/travelling

        主题句(标题): Galapagos Islands - an Attractive Place for Tourists.

        主旨大意: Galapagos Islands is an attractive place for tourists,inspiring Charles Darwin to create his masterpieces.

        (二)运用语篇策略, 提取关键词概括主题句:


        I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签 ) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.

        全文运用语篇策略之对照(contrast),关键词是连接词while , but; 对比形容词nearer与messier。但短文的结论句是:We both got tired of each other.

        因此最佳主题句: Different Living habits affected roomates’ feelings.


        理清信息的主次, 避免因为分不清楚主次而包含太多的细节内容。核心内容是为了表明作者的写作目的或论证作者观点而使用的具体论据,通常不能省略;细节描写是对文本内容进行更细致和深入的描述, 往往只起到突出和强调的作用, 通常被省略。

        一般而言, 信息之间的逻辑关系可以帮助区分信息的主次关系。在一般和具体的关系中,主要内容往往是一般的, 较多使用抽象词,次要内容较多使用具体的词。通过分析下面这个段落来具体了解如何区分主要信息和次要信息, 提取核心内容,支撑主旨大意:


        Sept 13 marked what would have been Dahl’s 100th birthday. So far, his books are estimated to have been sold more than 250 million copies worldwide. In 2013, he beat Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling to be named the best children’s author of all time by British parents and their children. And movie adaptations of his works continue to hit the big screen, including US director Steven Spielberg’s take on The BFG, which will come out in China on Oct 14th.

        提取划线部份核心內容, 该语篇主题句: Dahl has made great achievements of children’s literature.

        运用语篇语言学知识,提升英语阅读教学之主题主旨理解能力。教师在阅读教学中应不仅局限于文本,还要对非文本资源进行挖掘,培养学生对这些资源的识读能力,提升对语篇进行批判性阅读的能力(陈则航语)。运用语篇语言学知识来研究多模态文本下的语篇之主旨主题则是另一篇文章讨论的话题。  语篇语言学知识是实施语篇分析的指导性工具, 也是归纳语篇主旨, 主题意义的理论依据。在日常的英语阅读教学中,要坚持语篇语言学理论与具体的语篇分析相结合,不断修正语言学知识运用中的错误,才能提升英语阅读教学之主题主旨理解能力。



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